Tier II: Release Blocks to Soul Healing

Level IV: The Bridge
Prerequisite: Level III
Level IV begins the anchoring of the second trinity of energy centers as we create a bridge between the Higher and Lower selves. This connectivity is established through redefining and working with the holistic concept of forgiveness; taking back the part of your Spirit that was given away through victimization. We enter the realm of the heart and the anchoring place of the Soul. Students begin a more formal approach into the ancient Mysteries as they are introduced to additional tools, such as the Kabbalah. The student can expect more intensive work to occur as they progress in working with their energetic guides and teachers. Level IV concludes with an initiation Ceremony to your Higher Self and etheric teachers.
Topics Include:
- Introduction to the Middle Chakra Tier
- The Heart Chakra as “The Bridge”
- A New Definition of Forgiveness
- The Green (Heart) Chakra: Rights, Roles, and Responsibilities
- Self as Healer: Self-Assessments of the Energetic Bodies & Action Plans for Health “Wound-ology”
- Introduction to Releasing Drama, Blame, and “Victim-ology”
- Sacred Geometry: Triangle/Trinity as a Model for Healing
- Revealing the Core: Fear as the Root of Anger
- Introduction to Molecular Divinity, and Spiritual Alchemy
- Perspective Around the Circle: Impacting Others A Self-Assessment
- Opening to Trust
- Faith: Expression of the Divine
- Advanced Guide Work
- Auric Attunement & Alignment
- Initiation to the Solar Self

Level V: Karmic Creation
Prerequisite: Level IV
This level explores the seven stages of manifestation and further reinforces the rules that govern the process of grounding higher energies into your day-to-day life. You reference your Power Lists as you explore the construct of your life, and the tools and action plans necessary to continue the re-alignment to your Paths. The Alchemical Principle of Choice is explored. Continue your work into the Mysteries with advanced meditations that focus on tapping in to your soul’s knowledge. Then reinforce the ‘bridge’ created in Level IV as you bring an awareness of your karmic path into consciousness. Level V concludes with an initiation Ceremony.
Topics Include:
- Continuation of the Middle Chakra Tier
- Working with the Chakra Pairs
- Forgiveness 6 Step Check-In
- The Blue (Throat) Chakra: Rights, Roles, and Responsibilities
- Speaking Your Truth
- Alchemical Principle of Choice
- Opening the Chakra: Exercises & Tools
- Connecting the Higher & Lower Selves
- Triangle/Trinity and Action Plans
- Revealing the Core: Continuations
- Molecular Divinity: Continuations
- Gratitude: Accessing the Abundance Stream
- Stages of Manifestation
- Power List & Universal Law
- Advanced Guide Work
- Karmic Mastery-Self Integration
- Auric Attunement & Alignment
- Initiation to the Solar Self

Level VI: The Big Picture
Prerequisite: Level V
Level VI allows you, the student, to experience yourself within the scope of ‘the big picture’ as Healers, Teachers, and Light-Path workers. The second trinity of energy centers is completed as you come into the ability of the third eye, and the concept of Divine Sight. Explore your karmic path and Mystery school concepts. Advanced tools such as chakra mapping through pendulum work and introduction to the Akashic records are explored. Learn about holographic perspective and receive techniques to maintain an ‘observer-neutral’ state to help facilitate the understanding of patterns and learning of life lessons. Tools are introduced as we begin to penetrate the veil of the third chakra tier. Level VI concludes with an initiation that is grounded into a Mandela created during the closing Ceremony.
Topics Include:
- Forgiveness 6 Step Check-In
- The Indigo (Third Eye) Chakra: Rights, Roles, and Responsibilities
- Divine Sight
- Holographic Perspective
- Re-alignment and Safe Opening of the Third Eye: Tools & Meditation
- Connecting the Higher & Lower Selves: Lower Mind to Higher Mind
- Triangle/Trinity and Action Plans
- Pendulum Assessments
- Chakra Pairs and Mapping
- Gratitude: Divine Power
- Introduction to the Akashic Records
- Advanced Guide Work
- Introduction to Mandelas
- Creation of Mandela
- Initiation to the Divinity of the “Big Picture” and Soul Contract